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The past and things April 14, 2010

Posted by BleepBleep2020 in Creativity, Life, Politics, Random Ranting, Secret Knowledge.

It’s interesting, you know? looking back at myself two years ago. That’s the funny thing about having the internet, the idiot teenage you will always be around. It’s like a diary, but weirder, because since you’re reading a post that you made, it’s like reading someone else, and knowing it’s actually you. It’s freaky, it’s weird, it’s utterly surreal.

It’s also oddly hopeful, because I can see how far I’ve come as a person. I’m different now than I was then, and it’s good, because I like me better now than I did then. Which will sound utterly stupid when I read it tommorow.

But I digress.

Anyway, it come back to reading a friend’s blog. A friend who is much more conservative than I. And it’s kinda interesting because it made me identify the primary reason I’m not a conservative:

Becasue the past fucking sucked, and it sucks less now than it did then.

I don’t consider myself a crusader, fighting to protect a dying world, I’m a trailblazer, looking for the new horizon.

Oh god, I KNOW that’s going to look bad tomorrow…

But I digress again.

Anyway, looking at the past me, it was fun seeing the point that I started turning into the current me. It was a simple post, it was short and sweet, and it simply said that all non-indy games of the past three years sucked.

This was ridiculous, of course. But it was the point I started thinking about things functioned, not how they looked like they functioned. That adding more powerups to Mario didn’t make it better (Although in the case of Super Mario World, doesn’t necessarily make it worse). How the original Zelda is a totally different game than Ocarina of time, and I kind of like the original better. How JRPGs don’t suck, although I was playing sucky JRPGs (Lost Odyssey is still not a very good game).

Oh, and of course, how I think Marx got pretty close to how society works, but people don’t understand it’s not something you can force. ALthough, my thoughts on that will wait for some other (possibly never at all) time.

And I hope to have some solid posts that someone other than me will care about soon.


1. It has REALLY been a long time… « Robopanda’s Epic Voyage Thru TIME - December 22, 2010

[…]   also, i just read like all my posts… obnoxious. i feel probably exactly the same as this, which i am pretty sure is talking about me… so […]

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